English vocab 3 1 .Sway - to move slowly back and forth, :to cause to agree with you or to shere your opinion synonym - impact, impress, move, influence antonym - impotence, powerless uses - Branches swaying in the breeze. 2. Futile - Having no result or effect : useless synonym - bareen, fruitless, unsuccesful, useless antonym - effective, deadly, virtuous, successful, profitable uses -All our efforts proved futile. 3. Superfluous - Not necessary synonym - excess, extra, redundant, surplus antonym - deficient, inadequate, insufficient, meager use - cleared off all the superfluous stuff on his desk to make room for the new computer. 4. Flimsy - easily broken synonym - frothy, gauzy, unsubstantial antonym - sturdy, substantial uses - a flimsy piece of material. 5. Cursory - Done or made quickly synonym -hasty, hurried, precipitate, rash antonym -deliberate, unhurried, unrushed use -Even the most curs...